Онлайн тест для детей 10-13 лет

English test for kids 10-13 years


She ___ American

___ they doctors?

Adriane ___ a student. She goes to school.

Edward and Jacob can talk every day. They ___ mobile phones.

Brenda can’t do her homework. She ___ a book.

I ___ blue eyes. I’m blond.

Jane ___ TV every evening.

I never play computer games. I ___ them.

___ the children play in the park on Saturdays?

It’s Sunday, my favourite day of the week. I ___ in the living room with an interesting book.

Manager: Where’s Mr Davidson? Assistant: Oh, he’s ___ London today.

Amirah: Do you like cats? Chris: No, but there ___ lots of other animals I like.

Andrew: Where ___ Alicia come from? Martin: I think she’s from the United States.

Teacher: Tell me something about your parents, Lucas. Student: My mother and father ___ both very tall.

Ayla: That’s a nice table, Sophie! Is it new? Sophie: Oh no, it’s my ___ old dining table.

Emma: What do you do after school? Chloe: I see my friends. Do you visit people, too? Emma: No, I ____ go out.

Katie: Is Charlotte at school today? Laura: No, she ___ . She’s not well today.

Alex: I’d like to make a cake. ____ eggs have we got? Andrea: Three, I think. Let me check.

Michael: Which bus goes to the hospital? Antonia: ___ the 236. It stops outside.

Father: Are we ready to go? Daughter: No, Mum can’t find ___ hat.

Shop Assistant: Can I help you? Customer: Yes, I’d like to buy ___ trousers.

Mother: Where’s that fish I bought? It was on the table. Daughter: Oh no! The cat ___ it.

Amanda: I like your new sofa. Fahima: Thanks. It’s ___ comfortable than the other one we had.

Alicia: I’m going to the supermarket. Do you want anything? Peter: Could you get ___ milk, please?

Karina: When do you want to play football? Aniqa: I ___ to play tomorrow, because I don’t need to go to work.

Manisha: What did you do at the weekend? Nicola: I ___ tennis with my friend on Saturday.

Wife: Have we got any cheese in the fridge? Husband: No, we haven’t. I’m ___ buy some this afternoon.

Laura: Where ___ you last Tuesday? I tried to phone you. Beatriz: Oh, I was visiting my grandmother. I didn’t have my phone with me.

Miriam: Are you coming to my party on Tuesday? Brian: I’m really sorry, but I ___ to take my daughter to the airport.

Saif: Why do you like running? Isabella: Because it’s ___ way to keep fit.

Anna: Have you lived here a long time? Stefan: Yes, over 40 years. I know ___ of people in this town.

Josef: Why didn’t you come to the cinema last week? Chloe: I wanted to but I couldn’t. I ___ studying for that test we had on Monday.

Anna: That bird’s on the garden table again. I think it’s hungry. Juliana: Yes, look! It ___ eat the bread we put there.

Sophie: How long ___ married? Ying Yue: Two years. I met my husband when I was working in New York.

David: Have you ___ that new film yet? Susanna: No, I haven’t. We could go on Thursday if you like?

Shop Assistant: Excuse me, please. Could I get past? Customer: Oh, I’m sorry. I’m getting in the way, ___ I?

Wife: Advertising is a big business for musicians. Husband: Yes, musicians ___ a lot of money for writing short pieces of music.

Son: Mum, I’d really like a guitar. Can I have one? Mother: OK, but if we buy one you ___ have to practice playing it.

Juliana: Do you like Brazilian coffee?Miriodere: No I don’t, because it’s ___ strong.

Matthew: Would you like anything from the shop?Alicia: Yes, I’d like one of ___ celebrity magazines, please.


Our vacation
Every year we go to Florida. We like to go to the beach.
My favorite beach is called Emerson Beach. It is very long, with soft sand and palm trees. It is very beautiful. I like to make sandcastles and watch the sailboats go by. Sometimes there are dolphins and whales in the water!
Every morning we look for shells in the sand. I found fifteen big shells last year. I put them in a special place in my room. This year I want to learn to surf. It is hard to surf, but so much fun! My sister is a good surfer. She says that she can teach me. I hope I can do it!

My favourite beach is:

What animals do I see in the water?

How many shells did I find last year?

What do I want to learn this year?

Where did I put my shells last year?

Check your understanding: shop assistant or customer

Do this exercise while you listen. Circle Shop assistant or Customer for these sentences

Is it OK?

And in purple?

Would you like to pay with credit card or with cash?

Can I help you?

Yes, have you got this T-shirt in other colours?

Can I try it on?

What size do you want?

What size T-shirt does the customer want?

Does the shop have a medium size purple T-shirt?

What colour T-shirt does the customer try on?

Does the customer buy the red T-shirt?

How much does it cost?

Does the customer pay by credit card or with cash?


Look at the highlighted words. Complete the sentences 1 – 3 with and, or, and but

Do you have tea __________ coffee for breakfast?

I have a brother ___________ a sister.

I eat fish, ________ I don’t eat meat.

Write a comment about your breakfast. What do you have? Is it healthy? Use and, or, and but to connect.


Sarah 1. _____ (be) 13 years old and she 2._____ (study) at school.

She 3._____  (live) with her family. Sarah 4._____  (have got) a friendly and kind family. 

Sarah 5._____  (be) a dancer. She 6._____  (dance) very well. She 7.____  (like) Hip Hop dances.